Located at our City Park on Maple St is an area dedicated to Native plants and flowers. This area was created as part of our Source Water Protection Plan. Native grasses have extensive root systems that help to filter contaminants before they reach the water aquafers. A cement path circles the area and there are two pollinator gardens with benches to enjoy. Take a step out of your daily life to enjoy some of nature’s most beautiful gifts. You’ll never know what you’ll find in our native plant garden. This area aims to be a resource for plant knowledge and encourage a sense of stewardship for the environment among our visitors. Connect to nature - come visit us today. Whether you want to get a quick walk or just sit and enjoy nature with area has you covered!

Native plant area

It is the policy of the City of Pierson not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age marital status , sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its programs There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy contact City Hall at 712-375-5015

Jenni Battern Park
Our city park featuring a rock shelter house built in 1941 by the Civil Conservation Corporation. This shelter house is available to rent and features 2 fireplaces, a refrigerator, ceiling fans, and grills located outside the shelter. There is also an outdoor shelter, ball diamond, sand volleyball court and our golf course featuring sand greens. One of only three sand green courses in Iowa.
Old School Bell Memorial: Located in front of the new middle school built in 2002, the memorial features the bell from the original 1893 school and bricks are from the 1915 school.
Veterans War Memorial: Located on the Main Street Boulevard. The monument on the south end was dedicated in 1921 to WWI veterans and is the back drop for our annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony. The monument of the north end, erected in 2004 is dedicated to veterans who served after WWI.
Jenni Battern Memorial Park is right in the heart of downtown, this park is used daily by kids of all ages. It includes a basketball court and playground equipment.
4 Angels Memorial: At the north end of the Main Street Boulevard this is dedicated to the memories of Lauren Herbold, Kylie Koch, Andie Phillips and Kallie Phillips whom together, the Lord called to Heaven in 2003.
Community Activities
Pierson hosts many Annual Community Events. These events help to instill the deep sense of community that Pierson has. Some of these include: Easter Egg Hunt, Santa Days, Veterans Day Program, Memorial Day Program, Golf Tournaments, Little League Ball Games, and each July the town celebrates "Fun Days". This is held on the 3rd Saturday in July and includes a parade, games for kids and a street dance in the evening.
The Pierson golf course is a privately owned nine-hole sand greens course. There are only a few sand green courses in Iowa and visitors are welcome to try this unique golfing experience.
The honor system is used for out of town golfers to pay the greens fee. There is a lock box located outside the club house to deposit your fee. 2018 fee is $10 to golf all day.